


Params (required)

As parameter, pass the following object:

  • collection: Required, the name of collection you want to work with.

  • query: query in MongoDB-style query syntax. Optional, defaults to: {} (match all).

  • sort: sort order, as a string, array or object. Optional. Example:

      { name: 1, age: -1 }
  • limit: max. number of documents in one page. Optional, defaults to 25. Overridable through options object.

  • page: page number, starting from 1. Optional, defaults to 1


  collection: 'users',
  query: {
    age: { $gt: 20 }
  page: 1,
  limit: 25



It should return an object like below:

  success: true,
  total: 120,
  data: [
    { _id: 'james-bond', name: 'James Bond', age: 20 },
    { _id: 'jack-bauer', name: 'Jack Bauer', age: 20 },
    { _id: 'jason-bourne', name: 'Jason Bourne', age: 20 },

If no document found, it should NOT yield error. Instead, it sould return an empty data with total = 0.

total is the total number of documents found matched with your query. Optional, but strongly recommended to return this value.


In case of error, it'll yield a normal Node error object you can catch through promise easily.

Last updated