

Run this to install Nesu as a global package:

$ npm install -g @rappopo/nesu

Go to your project folder, and invoke:

$ nesu

The first time Nesu starts, it’ll create an empty config.json configuration file, transformer and last_seq folder in your project folder. Quit Nesu by pressing Ctrl-c and start customizing its configurations (please see details below).

As Library

Go to your node.js application project folder, and type:

$ npm install --save @rappopo/nesu

Create an empty new js file, e.g.: nesu.js, and enter the following code:

var nesu = require('@rappopo/nesu')

Also create the config.json configuration file in the same folder as nesu.js file above like this example below:

  "db": {
    "mydb1": {
      "idleTimeout": 0
    "mydb2": {
      "cdb": {
        "url": "http://couchdb:5984",
        "name": "mycouchdb1"
      "es": {
        "url": "http://elasticsearch:9200",
        "name": "myesindex1"
      "bulkLimit": 500,
      "idleTimeout": 10
  "default": {
    "bulkLimit": 5000

And finaly:

$ node nesu.js

But most likely you’ll want to use a process manager like pm2.

Program will automatically create an empty config.js file if missing. Two empty folders transformer and last_seq will also be created.

You might also want to change the configuration object above dynamically within your script, like this:

nesu({ config: <config> })

The value of <config> will simply be merged with the above configuration file.

Last updated